Thursday, 4 April 2013

What happened?!!

Hey guys and girls

I must just start off by saying, I'm sorry for being so quiet. I've been out of action for a while working on getting my album out and in the process I've completely forgotten about the people that mean the most, you (my amazing fans, friends and family).

I'm back in action now so I will work harder on not being so scarce.

SO......... Some really awesome things have gone down over the last couple of months. Ive released 1 more single after "Everything Ive Got". We tried releasing a 3rd single but got a terrible response for it, hahahahaha... and this is what I love so much about our music industry. We don't like much do we? hahahahaha... kidding. Ive been having so much fun making plans for the rest of 2013. I will be performing my first big show for 2013 on the 3rd of May, but more about that in the next blog.

I have to tell you guys about this really crappy experience I had on the 20th of March 2013 on the night I did a show with Joshua Grierson and BlackStoneRadio. A month or 2 prior to the show we received a contract from the venue stating all these super intense clause's which in our minds, we thought this is awesome cos that means that they're really sorted and organized (checking a venue out thoroughly is important to all those artists that's wanting to book their own shows). During this time we had tech riders and guest lists and poster designs etc sent through via email of which our mails weren't even opened.
So on the day of the show we arrive at the venue round 16h00 as we had to be there round 18h00 for sound check (We are the early bird type hahahaha). The engineer hadn't even heard about the show till that afternoon. The venue takes R1500 off the door, which to be fair is pretty reasonable if everyone sticks to the arrangements and works together, as we know the kind of cost that goes in from the venues side eg. Door Lady, The Posters being put up inside the venue, A stage hand (to help with the setting up to reduce time wasting), back line and more... None of the above was supplied except a door lady and they still held us liable for the full R1500. Now I don't really know what to take from this...
The turn out was so terrible (so we thought). I opened the show with an acoustic set with my band at which time we played to our loyal supporters, the 8 of them made it amazing for us, singing almost every word to all my songs. We had loads of fun on the stage and I knew, seeing this, that our next artist "Joshua Grierson" would really appreciate the small crowd as they were really into the music. To our unbelievable disappointment, Joshua decided to walk out of his set cos, (as directly quoted by him), "I don't play to 5 people so I'm sorry I'm leaving". Is that shocking or am I just old school where you never EVER walk out of a show. Then before "headliner" comes on we find out that all their supporters including the whole band was sitting in the restaurant waiting for their slot and then has the audacity to ask if their supports can pay half the cover cos they weren't there for the whole show. I was so disappointed cos their manager is such an amazing person and was there right through our set and was really being supportive. We decided to work with these artists as we know that they're great musicians and have some great music.

What happened?!!! Have I been out of the scene so long that I missed the part where even musicians stopped supporting one another? I just feel that the decent thing to do would be to encourage your fans and one another to support other musicians, even if I was the worst artist there, its just pure decency.

Ill end this off by apologizing if I've offended anyone as I am not in the naming and shaming game but damn guys. Support costs nothing man, you are right there. Why sit in a different room or walk out cos there arent enough people? Its wrong.

Anyway, enough of the emo stuff.

I will be posting more about the progress of my career and other topics soonest.

One more thing... Gareth James Chronicles stopped quite abruptly as we had some time and technical issues but we'll get back on it soonest.